If you see any errors please email wayne@dubbo.org

The articles below have daily and weekly updates with graphs showing total cases, active cases, tests etc. The most recent is at the top so you only need to click on the top one, the rest are for archive purposes.
Daily Updates
Where to find help
Public mobile health clinic 1300 066 055 – they will send through an email to the mobile clinic with your details.
Orana Support Service 1800 353 199 – help for people in isolation – offering help to pick up click and collect services.
Generosity church 6884 6584 call for support with essential items including scripts if you can’t get yourself due to isolation or health reasons
Live better 68827711 – helping you to access vaccinations, testing, medical, and essential care
Orana support -1800 353 189
Baptist Care 6881 8252
Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre 6883 2300
Food bank 9756 3099
COVID hotline 1800 943 553
Dubbo COVID Links
Western Health – Western NSW Local Health District
Daily Press Releases Dugald Saunders MP
List of Exposure Sites www.covid19nearme.com.au
Fastest exposure site updates: NSW Exposure Sites
Official NSW Gov site www.health.nsw.gov.au
Direct link to exposure sites official: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/
NSW Health – Find a covid clinic near you
Vaccination eligibility checker (Start here to book for a vaccination)
Dubbo Testing sites
Dubbo Showground 8-4 – drive in no booking.
Dubbo Exposure Locations
Covid near me is a really clear site to see where the exposure sites are, and also vaccination hubs.

Just type in ‘Dubbo’ and select ‘Exposure sites’ or ‘Vaccine clinics’