Orana Mall Dubbo has a Big W, Woolworth’s, Franklins, Reject Shop and clothing/food shops & Bottle shop.
If you are entering Dubbo from Sydney via Wellington on the Highway, Orana Mall is on the right about 1km into town.
Public Toilets 20 metres in on the left as you walk in the left entrance.
i think Dubbo is the best
Dubbo is awesome. i would never leave. Its not the hole its made out to be. i would marry dubbo. kidding lol. okay dont ditch the 1 and only Dubbo- ure the one! its definetely rad!
Dubbo is flippen sweet bro :)
and they have a Donut King!!!!
lol.. what are all of you on and where can i get some? i’m guessings its the donuts.. >.>
i think dubbo is awesome it is where i was born