Riverdale is a smaller mall with a very good Woolworth’s, a great butcher (Farmer’s Choice), a coffee shop, Dubbo’s only Cinema, Reading Cinema.
There are a couple of take-away shops out the front including Tay-Do Vietnamese, Atlas Kebabs and an Indian take-away.
Is there a jewelery shop in Riverdale Mall?
No, but there is a Jewelery shop at Centro at the other end of the main street, and at Orana Mall.
Riverdale Mall is quite small and basically only has the Movie Theatre, Woolworths Supermarket, and Ice-Cream Shop and a novelty gift Shop.
Riverdale has the best shops there cause you got Woolworths, KIWI waffle cones, Hangloose Clothing, Isba Kababs, and the Afghani takeway coming soon.
Ive found there is lots of friendly people at Reading Cinemas!
there is also a liquor store now…
guys, have any of you recently moved to dubbo? Is it really as good as the govt says it is in the promotional campaigns in terms of jobs, better , cheaper housing etc. I’m contemplating a move from Sydney to dubbo.
Hello Riverdale Mall Management,
My name is Sharyl and I am the Secretary of the Lions Club of Dubbo Macquarie and was wondering if you would please be able to explain the process for booking of sites at Riverdale Mall so that we are able to sell our Christmas Cakes and Puddings leading up to Christmas.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Sharyl Stewart
Lions Club of Dubbo Macquarie
Sharyl, this site is not a Riverdale Mall site so the staff may never read your post. But go to Riverdale Mall and talk to centre management they will be able to help you.