Western Plains Zoo Dubbo


The Western Plains Zoo is a ‘must see’ if you are in Dubbo. Here are our 5 tips to get the most out of your Zoo visit:

Tip #1. Allow 2 days.

Allow a couple of days to look around. (A one-day admission gets you in free for a second day as well.)

Tip #2. Think about transport.

How to get around? Push bikes or golf-buggies are a great option. You can bring your own push bikes or you can hire bicycles and golf carts out there. The 6-seater golf carts are great but get there early if you want one. (10 min before opening time in School Holidays will get you near the front of the queue and secure you a buggy)

Tip #3. Keep an eye out for the feeding times.

Feeding times a great so try to schedule as many in as you can. Each animal has something special they do during the feeding time. Our favourites are the tiger, elephant, hippopotamus and siamang apes. The tiger has to climb a pole to rip a raw chicken out of a hessian bag – a great display of power. The elephants do some tricks including ‘smelling’ for food. The hippopotamus opens its mouth wide for the zoo keepers to throw hay in. The Siamang Apes are crazy and fun, their feeding time is just after lunch and well worth it. They put on a spectacular show to mark their territory to the assembled visitors. The otters are a hit for the kids, at feeding time they go chasing prawns.

Tip #4. Get there Early

Go as early as you can in the day when most of the animals are awake. A cool day helps too. A hot afternoon is the least exciting as many animals are having a nap!

Tip #5. Plan your food

You could take a packed lunch and some snacks. There are also cafes on the way around, There are also some great picnic spots and BBQs on the way round. We love to go as a family and have a picnic halfway around. But don’t’ get stuck halfway with no food!

Click here for the official Taronga Western Plains Zoo website, or go directly to this page to find out the current admission prices. If you prepay online you get a discount and save 10% on Zoo entry.

Click here to find out more about some of the individual Exhibits.


The tiger at Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo! It’s hard to catch the tiger on the move, on warm days they like to sit around a fair bit – but here’s a good shot of a tiger on the move.


The giraffes are great – so gentle and graceful. They are fairly active and can be seen strolling around and snacking on tree leaves. Here is a giraffe showing off her height!


An elephant throwing dirt on its head.


A Camel at Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo, NSW.


Here is a photo of a Zebra at the Zoo.


Tiger at feeding time!


Hippopotamus at Western Plains Zoo


Here are some good blogs that talk about a visit to the Zoo:

Sleeping with Giraffes – a family trip to the Zoofari Lodge

Adventure Baby – another family visits the Zoo!


95 Responses to Western Plains Zoo Dubbo

  1. Olesen, J. S. says:

    any overnights available at the zoo for early morning / night sight seeing tours?

  2. wayne says:

    There is a ‘zoofari lodge’, might be best to contact the zoo for details.

  3. wayne says:

    We like to throw a picnic basket in the back of the car and take our own food to the Zoo – there are some great picnic areas on the way round and BBQ areas too.

    If you are on bikes make sure you take plenty of water in your backpacks!

  4. Chris says:

    I thought the zoo was great but something should be done about the kiosk food display. No family could afford the prices.

  5. wayne says:

    We have become ‘Zoofriends’ and so we have a yearly pass.

    We pay it back in our first 2 or 3 visits, and as a bonus we can get into Taronga Zoo in Sydney as well on the same pass.

    It also means we can take our time, see a few animals each day over a week. It’s great!

  6. Tom says:

    i have a question is it a good idea to get your tickets at a place like the nrma or at the zoo to save some money before going to the zoo

  7. syd says:

    i loved the zoo its self 10 out of 10 but as for the food far to costly when u have a familly and the service at the kiosk was just plain awful -1 out of 10

  8. julie says:

    hi i was wondering what the would be closes to western plain zoo…also which is the closes caravan park….

  9. Lauren says:

    They need more Animals i think they should have elephants because i love elephants

  10. Jojo says:

    Hey dude is the zoo open during the night as well as day? My partner and I both work shiftwork and can only get there for one night, and the following day we head home for the central coast..

  11. brook says:

    oh my god thats the best elephant ive ever seen its soo beautifull lol xxxxxxx
    oh ps hi everyone lol

  12. Kelly says:

    Does anyone know what entry costs are for the zoo?


  13. zita says:

    hey everyone

    i been in the zoo a few years ago and loved it,just thinking of going back again with my 3 younger kids.and yes i have to agree the food is way to expencive even back then.
    hey wayne how much for family pass if you would know.

  14. Michelle says:

    what are the admission prices for the zoo in dubbo?

  15. Emma says:

    What are the entry costs into the zoo and how much does it cost to do the animal feeding or interaction???

  16. Bob says:

    What is the cost for adults and children what age is classed as an adult

  17. wayne says:

    There is a link in the main article above that says “click here to find out the current admission price

  18. Tammy says:

    We just visited the zoo today and hired one of the carts they have there, they are a bit pricey at $69 for 3 hours but I think they really are worth it for the experience of it, it adds to the adventure! Especially good for disabled people too :-)

  19. katie says:

    hi every1 i am comming to dubbo zoo for a school excursion my school is in woobye its a 10hr trip 4 ur over night we get to stay in a motel yeah g2g luv ya all especally cutie guys

  20. Sharee Randall says:

    Hi we’re thinking about taking our son to the zoo for his 3rd birthday but was wondering if you have a bbq area?

  21. Sharee Randall says:

    This is for the Dubbo Zoo, also in the gift shop do you have the shirt i went to Tarong Zoo in Dubbo not Sydney?

  22. Anna says:

    Can you ride Elephants at Dubbo Zoo? If not where can you in Australia?

  23. amy says:

    It was so great at the Dubbo Westain Plains Zoo and great for the kids!!

  24. Gemma says:

    I’m going in a few weeks. I just wanted to know are the animals restricted to small enclosures?

  25. John Bush says:

    Your site has only 2 accommodation places. Surely there are many more. Are these only ones you recommend.

  26. wayne says:

    No there are more of course, but because I live here I don’t stay in any motels, so it’s hard to recommend accommodation. Dubbo Tourism site lists all the places to stay, along with descriptions and photos so that might be better.

  27. Monique says:

    I just remember the time my father took me when i was i yr old and know i am 14

  28. Janne says:

    Is dubbo zoo open on sundays.?

  29. Mel says:

    Hi there, just a local Dubbo girl here and I have noticed a lot of people asking questions about the zoo on here. You would find all your answers at the zoo link below, or contact the zoo. http://www.taronga.org.au/western-plains-zoo/plan-your-visit/general-information/hours-and-rates.aspx For Gemma who was wondering, no the animals are not kept in small enclosures, it’s a lovely zoo with nice open spaces. I am a zoo friend and it costs around 100 per year for an adult. I went with some family members on an early morning zoo walk recently, while they were being fed and it was well worth it too. Have fun in Dubbo!

  30. tigger says:

    how do you get to be a zoo person

  31. wayne says:

    Yep Zoo open Sundays. You can sign up for Zoofriends at the gate or from their website

  32. Meg & Shakira says:

    That’s absolutely amazing mate !

  33. bel says:

    hey everyone

    the zoo is amazing and over the past few years the zoo have changed.

    the zoo stays are amazing! early morning walks are also good to do.

    if you are looking for more info on the zoo, other attractons or accommodation visit dubbo’s website which is http://www.dubbo.com.au

  34. CRM says:

    Nice pictures. That Giraffe sure has a long neck. That Tiger looks angry!!! And god that Zebra looks hungry!!!

  35. hannah says:

    i really love animals and i love the animals that are at all zoos

  36. bobblepop says:

    At Tronga park zoo in Sydney we saw a pregnant elephant.
    But we just missed her have her babies!!!!

  37. sharon says:

    We will be visitng Dubbo this weekend and want to visit the zoo. Can we get to the zoo from the CBD by bus??? We won’t have a car

  38. wayne says:

    As far as I know there is no bus to the zoo but taxis are available.

  39. Renee says:

    Do you do deals if there is about 12 or more people in one group?

  40. Frances says:

    Dear Wayne, Sounds great, haven’t been yet, am looking forward to a visit in the next 2 months, but want to take our Jack Russell puppy, I know there is pet friendly accomodation but what to do with her while at zoo for 2-3 days, would appreciate your input, Thankyou.

  41. Brittany says:

    Hi i’m Brittany Morgan I live in Tamworth and is going to Dubbo Western Plains Zoo next week and I can’t wait,I went to Toronga Zoo in Sydney when I was about 5 or 6.I don’t really remember much,so I’ll proberbly see you there!!!

  42. Rachel Head says:

    I would like to know if you can hire a buggie to get around the Zoo?

  43. Scott says:

    Hi Wayne, I will leaving Sydney on Sunday from Burnt Earth at Ingleside, I should arrive around lunch time.I will be staying at Cattleman,s motel on Sunday night, I,m happy to deliver your water feature pots on Sunday or Monday, you can call Scotty, on 0404315076,any time, I will set up a water feature, as I have 2 different size pumps ,and would like to see which one works better for you, The Pharoah Water features all look great.. I have your number and will call you when I,m approaching Dubbo. Thanks Scotty.

  44. wayne says:

    YEs you can – an electric motorised golf buggy.

  45. kayla grech says:

    they are great pictures i expecially like the giraffe picture

  46. Carina Frank says:

    What a great place to be!

  47. w foster says:

    could you please send zoo times and costs we are going to be there on the 3/12/2010. we have accom and we are pensioners and what consessions apply. warren

  48. tyronne says:

    how i would love to have the job of being a tiger keeper. it was the most thrilling thing ive ever done to feed the tigers. it was a dream come true. i just wish it went longer. but thats me i love tigers way to much. i wanted to hug them (lol) i was that close dam fence haha.
    but thank you so much to the keeper.
    i was just wondering if you can please tell me the names of the tigers i forgotten. please and thank you.

  49. Vanessa says:

    Admission price is far too expensive. For myself, my partner and our toddler to drive around in our own car it would be $90, let alone bike or cart hire, or food. Lucky our son is under 4, or there’s another $22.
    I know you can become a Zoo Friends member, but that isn’t particularly useful for visitors who are not likely to be in Dubbo (or Sydney) more than once or twice. It’s very disappointing, actually.

  50. Tammy says:

    My partner an I travelled from Perth for the holidays. On out to do list was the zoo. We travelled 210kms each way. Very little value for money. $90.00 a couple entry, 69.00 buggy hire and – WHERE HAVE ALL THE ANIMALS GONE!!!!!!! How can families afford this. We spent a couple of hours there and saw mainly kangaroos. We are all for spending money on entertainment, but come on lift your game.

  51. Wayne says:

    Well there is no doubt about it – the Zoo does cost a bit to get into. For our family it’s $153, it will be more when our youngest hits 4. It’s good to know that before you go. For around double that you can get a Zoo friends pass that gets you into Taronga as well. Plus locals can get in half price from time to time. http://www.taronga.org.au/taronga-western-plains-zoo/visitor-information/mates-rates/discount-zoo-entry
    No – that doesn’t help someone from Perth!

  52. K Stait says:

    I think zoo friends passes will get you into any government owned zoo in Australia, just ask. At least they used to. We got into Melbourne zoo for free because we were zoo friends a few years ago. At the moment locals can get in for $19 per adult, less for kids. Anyone can go to the new visitor centre, see the monkeys, lemurs and use the playground for free.

  53. it is a great place to visit, and
    dubbo is a wonderful city to live

  54. wendy schilder says:

    We are a group of seniors who would like to visit the zoo on Thursday 1st September could you please advise opening hours and prices and if you have transport available as some members will not wish to walk. Thanking you Wendy Schilder Carseldine Probus

  55. Chloe says:

    Hi. Im wanting to visit the zoo with my partner and my daughter that is 3 years old. It would be great to experience the whole 2 days worth and to stay overnight and to also hire a buggy. How much would this roughly cost me? Be great to hear back from you :)

  56. james and kerry pardy says:

    we are angry that we were not given the choice of a two day pass. in fact we were not told that we had to purchase a two day pass until we had paid for same. then we found out that the pass was for consecutive days which for us was not possible . this information should be made available before one buys the ticket

  57. cade says:

    i went to dubbo on a school trip and it was great

  58. Pauline says:

    The zoo was AMAZING! Service at the cafe’s were very good and we just loved it. The otter’s were my personal favourite though. What a great day!

  59. Dorothy Green says:

    Can I buy gift vouchers for Dubbo Zoo, how much for 2 adults. Will a 1 day ticket allow enty on a second day ?

  60. kelsie says:

    i want to do work experience at the dubbo zoo, is that possible? im in year 10 and keen as :D

  61. Hayley says:

    Hi Will be coming to the zoo in a couple weeks and just looking at the best way of getting around with Husband & 2 little kids. Thinking the golf cart is good option. Does this scare the animals away at all?

  62. wayne says:

    Golf cart is a great option and no the animals don’t get scared by it at all.

  63. Ivan Schloeffel says:

    james and kerry pardy, the second day was free

  64. Matt says:

    How much is entry for 2 adults and 1 child to Dubbo Zoo?

  65. Sarah Stephenson says:

    I am going to the Dubbo Western PLains Zoo in the school holidays. I Have read some other comments and I am very excited to go there. I know it will be cool

    Comment later about my trip! :)

  66. J Malone says:

    Hi. If you do the roar and snore (which includes the zoo accomodation & entry) do you get a second days entry?

  67. Margaret McSpadden says:

    We are considering driving from Canberra to visit the Zoo in late Aug this year. There will be four of us and we are all pensioners. My husband uses a mobility scooter to get around at home, we need to know if he should bring his own scooter while three of us walk around, or would one of your golf buggies be big enough to carry four adults. Could you also tell me how much for entry to zoo for a ONE and TWO day pass and also the closest accommodation which is reasonably priced
    Thank you

  68. wayne says:

    The gold buggy will carry 4 adults easily, note this website is not officially associated with the Zoo in any way.

  69. Lola says:

    Cool… I am planning to visit Australia soon, and I would love to see animals that uniquely live there… nice photos!!

  70. Theresa Ingleby says:

    Hi my name is Theresa i was just woundering what tickets are worth for 2 adults and 1 child who is 8/9 for Dubbo Zoo please if you could email me back and let me know please Thank you

  71. wayne says:

    Theresa, there is a link in the article above to the official zoo webpage and you can see the ticket prices from there.

  72. Anne Young says:

    Hello, we are coming up on the 9th October. Can you drive your own car around the zoo?. I remember we did it years ago. Not sure if you can still do it. Thanks Anne.

  73. wayne says:

    Yes you can still drive your car around the zoo.

  74. adele pearce says:

    We visited the zoo 7 days ago. Disappointed with the small number of animals.
    Some enclosures with no animals at all.
    Shocked at the price of $46 for adults- no concessions.
    More maintenance required for a famous landmark.
    Someone needs to sharpen their pencil!!

  75. Leanne says:

    Thinking of visiting the zoo from Canberra this month. i
    have been told you can get accomation in dubbo as well as entry
    into the zoo. Can you please email me some information on that
    including prices etc.. Many tks.

  76. Colleen wood says:

    Hi can you please tell me how much it is for family visit to zoo please as will be at dubbo on 23rd this month :)

  77. alan says:

    i note you struggle to answer any queries regarding prices, like entry to the zoo and so on. we are pensioners who would love to visit, but we as sure as hell not gonna turn up and be embarrassed by the prices. just for the record why dont you advertise your prices like the sydney zoo do.

  78. wayne says:

    Alan, there is a line in the article above that says “or go directly to this page to find out the current admission prices.” if you click on the blue ” this page” in that sentence it will take you to the official Taronga zoo page that talks about prices. The first link on that page says “Click here to purchase your tickets online” and that will take you to a page with all the prices. Here is a direct link to that page: https://sales.taronga.org.au/TarongaWesternPlainsZooTickets/tabid/82/Default.aspx
    It currently says that the price for seniors is $33.50. I hope that is helpful.

  79. wayne says:

    Just click on the link in the above article about prices.

  80. wayne says:

    I have linked to the official Taronga website in the article above so that you can access the latest prices.

  81. Ian Smith says:

    My wife and I visited the western Plains zoo today and was very disappointed after thinking we would see Tigers , Monkeys, and other wild animals we actualy saw 1 rhino, 1 tiger, some giraffe, turtles, 3 limas, and verios anamils that i could see from my car travling round australia Kangaroos and Emus every thing else was either to far away to see or the exhibit closed for some reason or another for the $ 80 dollar entrance fee very dismale

  82. brodie says:


    try this for the entry fees. had to go around in circles to find it. Expensive for a family + cost of food on top of that if you are unable to take your own.

  83. bronwen Davis says:

    Noted on NITV the recent Indigenous Education program at the Western Plans zoo, and the comment they would really like to expand the Indigenous program, for many more young Indigenous people.

    If you would like to discuss a possible govt. application, please let us know, perhaps we may be able to assist in seeking this type of ’employment-education’ submission. Maybe???

    Good wishes, Bronwen Davis – Davis Consultancies Pty.Ltd.

  84. Patricia Ward says:

    Hi, My husband and myself would like to visit the Dubbo Zoo.
    BUT !!…. We have a Poodle with us. We won’t be allowed in with her, will we.
    We are going to be living in our Winnebago full time and I have no one I can leave her with. She stress’s out if she is not with me. [ Huge Problem ]
    She seems ok at our Vets in a small cage here in Dalby, for a few hours.
    Is there somewhere that people leave there pets while they visit, or do we just not come at all. have to wait 10 years for her to pass away I guess.
    Thanks, I hope you can help.

  85. wayne says:

    The zoo does not provide anything but there are some good day kennels in Dubbo near the Zoo:

    Pinecrest Boarding Kennels and Cattery
    28R Minore Rd
    6882 1842

    Rovers Run Bed & Bone
    105R Minore Rd
    0414 333 210
    6887 2310

    K9 Boarding
    64L Minore Rd
    0439 130 745
    0402 466 898

    Old Dubbo Rd, 6882 9547

  86. Patricia Ward says:

    Thanks Wayne,
    For your email I will keep the information handy for our visit. I must get my Poodle vaccinated for Kennel Cough before we come though. Thanks

  87. Chris says:

    We are going this weekend and have a number of bikes to take. Are we allowed to take the trailer into the zoo in case the kids get sick of riding the bikes?

  88. wayne says:

    Yes I see trailers all the time.

  89. Cecilia says:

    We’re traveling with a motorhome. Can we drive into the zoo with the motorhome?

  90. wayne says:

    I quite often see motorhomes parked out the front of the zoo – there is parking there – which makes me think it’s either a bit awkward driving a motorhome into the car park of the zoo or it’s not allowed. But this is not an official reply that’s just my hunch!

  91. Bruce says:

    Cost of Pride Lands Patrol ? Any concessions ? Is there room to stick a camera lens out of enclosed vehicle ?

  92. wayne says:

    For prices and other details it’s best to ask the zoo directly.
    You can ring them on (02) 6881 1400
    email twpz@zoo.nsw.gov.au

  93. Nate says:

    I absolutely loved visiting and it even rained!

  94. I have a question about your elephants. Are they Asian elephants or African elephants? I only ask because the picture you show has no tusks, but the ears look like an African elephant. Thank you.

  95. Roger Brown says:

    Hi just after pricing on golf buggy hire
    Thanks Roger

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