Japanese Garden

Shoyoen Sister City Garden was a gift from Dubbo’s Sister City Minokamoin Japan.

The Shoyoen Japanese Garden is located in Elizabeth Park, Birch Avenue, East Dubbo.

The garden is open from: 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday, and 9.30am to 4.30pm weekends, 12-noon to 4pm on Anzac Day and closed on Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday.

Entry is free.

Click here to download an information leaflet.


10 Responses to Japanese Garden

  1. Meg says:

    That is So prettty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Cliff Hislop says:

    Hi, We visited your garden nearly a year ago on our way back from SA to Brisbane. We visited an old friend in the Lake Macquarie area after Dubbo and told her about your magnificent garden. She was impressed with the photos we had taken of your garden and said that it looked much better than the one she had visited in Cowra. Our friend and her twin sister are celebrating their 80th birthday in September this year but both have had major health problems in the last few years. We will be going down to help them celebrate their birthday. I was hoping that I might give them a surprise and take them to visit your garden, so I contacted a close family friend to find out if it was feasible for them to make the trip by road given their health status. Sadly my advice was that it may be too risky for them. So, I wondered if there is a DVD available of the Shoyoen Japanese Garden that I could buy to give to them so they may be able to better experience the beauty of your garden.

    Cliff Hislop

  3. jack says:

    they are so pretty we live near there

  4. Doing Dubbo New South Wales | Grumpy's Getaway Guide says:

    […] garden which celebrates the sister city relationship that Dubbo has with the Japanese city of Shoyoen, and the Macquarie River Canoe and Kayak Trail which enables participants to enjoy the true beauty […]

  5. lucinda says:

    This place is so beautiful has a great scenery…

  6. Leeza davis says:

    just interested in having a wedding at the garden,
    would like to know as much info as possible that you could give us please.
    we are looking to have it sept 2014.
    roughly about 150 people invited and to have the ceremony there just how much please.
    leeza and Kyle

  7. Peter and Lesley says:

    We visited your Japanese Garden on our way from Lightening Ridge to the Blue Mountains, whilst travelling around with our son, who now lives in Sydney. We are from Cornwall UK. We all loved the Garden it is beautiful, well done to everyone involved in the designing and careing of it.

  8. brittany jeffery says:

    Hi, i was wondering if you had any more pictures available of the japanese gardens, my fiance and i are considering having our wedding there (if possible). thanks.

  9. Leanne v says:

    I walked to the Japanese gardens with my 5yr old grandson mason, he has been there few times with his dad & little sister & loved it everytime. I found it so peaceful & relaxing. Felt like I was actually visiting Japan lol.

  10. Steve says:

    Is there still a weaping willow there overhanging the pond?

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