BMX Track

December 2007 saw the opening of a new BMX track in Dubbo by Dubbo City Council. It’s a great track, a challenge for young and older riders. It’s at Powter Park, Edwin Street, Dubbo.

To get there head north up Fitzroy Street, accross the railway line into North Dubbo, keep going till you hit the school zone with Dubbo North Public School on the right and a large grassy park on the left. Turn left after the park, this is Edwin Street, the BMX track is on the right.

It’s fenced in, to make sure only pushbikes have access. And it’s free!



19 Responses to BMX Track

  1. darryl says:

    Is this the best dubbo has to give to the kids of this town.This track lacks competion standards and already is run down with water damage and ruts. This track was poorly designed and needs to be rebiult with competion racing in mind. BMX is now an olympic sport aswell as national.Just think of how much potential and money it has to offer with a natoinal comp BMX track in dubbo.When your out and about check out how many kids are riding Bmx bikes and you will see my point. Just a taste of how big it is.

  2. Matt says:

    They have now redone the track and fixed up all the ruts ect and is very good for jumping at the current time.

  3. macca says:

    im not new to bmx but, this track is not very good its not challenging enough personally i think it was a waste of time and the money should have been used on the street section of the new skate park this would attract alot more people to dubbo.

  4. blake says:

    they need to make the first table top bigger and the second table top smaller apart from that, pretty good

  5. Wally says:

    We are from Canberra and can not wait to go to the 1st Southern Region race meet at this track. For more Ozzy BMX info visit

  6. Wally says:

    Has the Dubbo club got a web site yet?

  7. Dingo says:

    How excitement!!

  8. Dicko says:

    it is one of the best things that dubbo has done. it is great for all ages and it is free to get in. it is great

  9. Peter Rodgers says:

    Well done Dubbo. We will definately visit many times to ride your BMX track.

  10. jordan says:


  11. trevor says:

    yeah there alright nice and easy but need a couple more harder jumps

  12. billy bob says:

    best in the world

  13. Dean says:

    i think it is great for the little guys. i am strugling to get around myself.

  14. Mary says:

    It’s a good track for the kids but the area is not family friendly. There are no seats or tables so we can have a picnic lunch. A bbq with a shade area would be great.

  15. wayne says:

    Yep I agree it’s not family friendly at all – it’s like a paddock in the middle of nowhere with no shade.
    You go there, you ride bikes, you go home!

  16. dale says:

    this track looks a thousand times better than the old crappy track that we had to use when we were kids across the road from feilders bakery and gazzas auto wreckers

  17. Dirtz says:

    It’s great to see Dubbo Council genuinely having a go at building facilities to engage kids. I just feel the design was dated even before it was built… Nothing that 3 days and two machines can’t fix.
    I would like to see a more diverse facility, BMX race mixed with Jump park and Pump tracks. Same build time and cost, just do your homework so far as people who design and build these facilities all the time. Good luck with it.

  18. zac says:

    I have been there and it mad!!!!!!

  19. Renee says:

    We have just moved back to Dubbo and my little boy is 4 years old. He has been riding a race bmx interstate and we cant wait to get started on the Dubbo track. Do you know when training/racing will start again??

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