Dubbo.org was started back around 2002 or so. Our family moved back to Dubbo and we decided to start a blog about some of our favourite places in Dubbo. Pretty soon people were contacting me asking me questions about parks, places to stay and so on, so each time someone asked a question I would write a reply and post it on the blog.
Over time the amount of visitors to the site grew and the amount of information on the blog also grew and I redesigned the layout of the site to be less of a blog and more of an information site, creating my ‘sliding door’ theme which is what you see on the site today.
All the information on this site is written by myself or other friends from Dubbo. If you live in Dubbo and is a place that you think could be added or some incorrect information please don’t hesitate to contact me, you can leave a comment below or email me at wayne@dubbo.org.