The Old Dubbo Goal is great for adults and kids and will easily fill a morning or afternoon. A must-see if you are in Dubbo.
It’s a great historic landmark in Dubbo and well presented. They have great little animated displays. It gives a good feel for life in Dubbo in the early 1900’s for a criminal – it’s a bit creepy.
In School Holidays there are regular re-enactments at the Goal with local actors – great fun!
You can check out the Old Dubbo Gaol website here.
It’s on the northern end of the main street, near the Commonwealth Bank.
Admission costs are listed on the Old Dubbo Gaol website.
If you are coming through Central West NSW anywhere near Dubbo it’s well worth the visit!
Ph: 6801 4460 for more details.
Recently they have started putting on events at the Goal including food tasting and live music. See here for upcoming events.
does anyone know how many people visit the gaol a year??
This was in the Dubbo Paper last month…
“Council’s Old Dubbo Gaol hosted 5100 visitors last month, the highest figure for four years and 800 more than the January average.”
hi just wondering if someone could tell me how much it is to go to the gaol as i would like to take my kids there while in dubbo.
I would like to know the cost per person not per family. I agree that the web site should have the cst on it
Well, is anyone going to bother telling us the entry price?
15 per adult
i was just wondering if it would be possible for a smll jazz group o play at the old dubbo gaol
adults: 15
concession/students: 12
children 4-15 : 5
children under 4 : free
family (2 adults 2 kids): 36
and the phone number is now 6801 4460 if you wanted to enquire about the jazz group
Thanks Chris, I’ve added that info to the main article.
i think the gaol was cool and everthing it creeped my brother out
Just wondering if anyone can help…how long does the tour go for, would we see everything available in the gaol in a few hours, a day or half a day etc.
Also, do we have to book. The website seems to be down
i think shows are on twice a day (i think 11.30 and 2.30) but with a self guided booklet, you can tour the gaol in 1-2 hours.
Shows are great! try and fit it into your schedule!
no need to book
i am doing my SGP (senior geography project) on the old dubbo gaol does any one have any tips for me or advice on who i should interview for information on the history of goal
thankyou for that sara.
This place is mad dnt mock it aye,
and for eberyone looking for a price i sugest you open your eyes it says it a the top,
maybe you should read it before typing mesages like that,
I live in Dubbo and would like to say that the old Dubbo gaol is a REALLY great place to see, very very interesting.
I went during the school holidays and thought it was great.
My little brothers and sister did both of the kids activity classes and they had so much fun. At first we thought it was ‘just a museum’, but it is way more exciting than the zoo!
If you have a look at the dubbo gaol website, you’ll see they have all the answers to the above questions there.
I Went To Dubbo Gaol And It Was Awsome And Im From Sydney And I Want To Go Back
If any one staying in Dubbo stay ar WestView Caravan Park. Its awesome and cheap and excellent service.
Spent a day walking around in Dubbo Gaol in dec 2005. Found it very interesting with all the history and stories about days long gone. Taking my family to Oz next year, so if we pass Dubbo I’ll definitely stop there and show it to them:)
Hi my name is John spiteri i have been to dubbo goal along time ago as a kid but have recently had a little child of my own . I was just wondering if the goal has the stuffed dummies like they used to back then and if much has changed in the last 15 yrs or so thanx
Yes they still have the dummies, most of them are animated. I don’t think much has changed in 15 years.