Author Archives: wayne
ZOO TUNES This Sunday: Free family concert with a fun animal theme When: Sunday 3 November 5pm Where: Visitor Information Centre, Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Obley Rd Dubbo. Cost: FREE
Loving Short St…
I’m loving Short St Store at the moment, up there every few days, great coffee sourced from Bill’s Beans in Orange and the rotating special of the day means there’s always something new to try. They have some good reviews … Continue reading
Giraffe rating system
Starting 2013 we are introducing a giraffe rating system on Restaurants, pubs and coffee shops have all received a rating out of a maximum of 10 giraffes. Restaurants, pubs and coffee shops are all ranked separately so a pub … Continue reading
Christmas Services in Dubbo
If you’re new to Dubbo or a visitor looking for a church for Christmas day, I’d recommend the Dubbo Presbyterian Church on the corner of Sheraton Road and Douglas Mawson Drive. They usually have a fun, short and family friendly Christmas Day Meeting.
Facebook group to Recycle items in Dubbo
Live in or around Dubbo or Central Western NSW and have something to buy/sell, or give away?
Check out this facebook group and this Dubbo buy and sell or Dubbo recycle facebook group Continue reading
Great Children’s Playground in Dubbo
There’s a great new playground just opened at the East side of Victoria Park, behind the Swimming Pool. It’s great for all ages, and the perfect place to take a break on a holiday. It has all kinds of unusual swings and things to play and climb on Continue reading
A Poem about Dubbo
The New Dubbo
(presented to the LGA conference by the Dubbo Mayor)
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Dubbo Flood Dec 2010
Some photos and video of the Dubbo floods. This photo was taken 11AM Saturday December 4th. Click for more photos and video. Continue reading
Dubbo’s Best Coffee
It’s official!
The results of the “Dubbo’s Best Coffee” poll for 2008 are in, and the winner is… Mr Bean.
Featured local business
We were down at Newtown Providores again this week, and I must say it really is one of Dubbo’s gems. The smell, the sounds, the friendliness, the atmosphere, it’s like stepping into a different world. You simply must check it out!
Newtown Providores is one of Dubbo’s greatest small business success stories, a gourmet deli that has absolutely everything that Coles and Woolworths doesn’t Continue reading statisitics for 2008
Thanks for all your contributions and support over 2008.
In 2008 received 94,952 unique visits – that’s an average of 260 visitors a day. We had visitors from 155 different countries, 86% from Australia.
Zoo Grooves next weekend
Zoo Grooves is a fun family day at the Zoo with lots of children’s activities and music acts. Continue reading
Wheat theme
I have designed a theme for joomla called ‘wheat.’ It is inspired by Dubbo and the New South Wales wheat fields further out west. Continue reading
Youth Week
This week it’s Youth Week in Dubbo.
Check out some of these events! Continue reading
Jedda Boomerangs is closed
Jedda Boomerangs is now closed, this is the old article about it…
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