This Sunday: Free family concert with a fun animal theme
When: Sunday 3 November 5pm
Where: Visitor Information Centre, Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Obley Rd Dubbo.
Cost: FREE
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This Sunday: Free family concert with a fun animal theme
When: Sunday 3 November 5pm
Where: Visitor Information Centre, Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Obley Rd Dubbo.
Cost: FREE
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I’m loving Short St Store at the moment, up there every few days, great coffee sourced from Bill’s Beans in Orange and the rotating special of the day means there’s always something new to try.
They have some good reviews on trip advisor too.
Starting 2013 we are introducing a giraffe rating system on dubbo.org
Restaurants, pubs and coffee shops have all received a rating out of a maximum of 10 giraffes.
Restaurants, pubs and coffee shops are all ranked separately so a pub rating of 7.5 giraffes is not the same as restaurant rating of 7.5 giraffes.
So have a look and let us know what you think!
If you’re new to Dubbo or a visitor looking for a church for Christmas day, I’d recommend the Dubbo Presbyterian Church on the corner of Sheraton Road and Douglas Mawson Drive. They usually have a fun, short and family friendly Christmas Day Meeting. This year they have two services on Christmas Day, one at 8am and one at 9:30am.
If you are after a Christmas Eve service, I’d recommend the Dubbo Baptist Church. They have a Christmas Eve service at 7pm and you can find them at 251 Cobra St., Dubbo.
Live in or around Dubbo or Central Western NSW and have something to buy/sell, or give away?
Check out this facebook group and this Dubbo buy and sell or Dubbo recycle facebook group.
There’s a great new playground just opened at the East side of Victoria Park, behind the Swimming Pool. It’s great for all ages, and the perfect place to take a break on a holiday. It has all kinds of unusual swings and things to play and climb on.
The New Dubbo
(presented to the LGA conference by the Dubbo Mayor)
First I’d like to acknowledge our cities in country Wiradjuri
They’re an integral part of our overall menagerie
You may not recognise Dubbo, it has a new look and feel
My excitement is obvious and impossible to conceal
I am sure you’ve heard of our zoo it’s just turned thirty five
With its new entrance and new animals it really has come alive
You can explore penal history at the Old Dubbo Gaol
Eight ghosts are said to wander but I think that’s an old wives tale
Our sports fields are second to none with a carnival every week
But that is not what makes our beautiful city unique
Three highways join at Dubbo making us the gateway to the west
And our new LEP will allow developers to invest
With schools and TAFE and universities, we have an educational theme
The influx of students has certainly helped our Rugby team
Most people assume regionals focus solely on agriculture
But we’ve discovered something new, and we call it culture
Just to prove a point we built the aptly named cultural centre
With its gallery and museum you will be amazed when you enter
We have a new five hundred seat theatre ”“ of course the seats are tiered
And the acoustics are spot-on as it was perfectly engineered
And we have our Shoyoen Japanese and Sensory Gardens
We believe they’re the best in the state with no beg your pardons
Ride your bike along our river cycleway – forget your automobile
Squeeze into your lycra and show off your buns of steel
But what is unique and will amaze beyond your wildest dreams
Is how friendly everyone is, we take it to extremes
A compliment here, a wave over there, nothing is too much trouble
Our smile is so wide you can see it from … telescope Hubble
It’s because we have something that can’t be bought ”“ we call it time
Our lifestyle is grand – it is great ”“ I normally just call it sublime
You can see we have much more to offer than just our world class zoo
And to top it all off, we have a mayor,
who thinks he’s a poet too.
Some photos and video of the Dubbo floods. This photo was taken 11AM Saturday December 4th. Click for more photos and video. Continue reading
It’s official!
The results of the “Dubbo’s Best Coffee” poll for 2008 are in, and the winner is… Mr Bean.
Congratulations to Mr Bean Coffee Shop. Thanks to everyone who voted, to see the full results, click here.
Enjoy your coffee!
We were down at Newtown Providores again this week, and I must say it really is one of Dubbo’s gems. The smell, the sounds, the friendliness, the atmosphere, it’s like stepping into a different world. You simply must check it out!
Newtown Providores is one of Dubbo’s greatest small business success stories, a gourmet deli that has absolutely everything that Coles and Woolworths doesn’t.
Buffalo cheese, goats cheese, every cheese under the sun, vanilla pods, herbs and spices, more herbs and spices, exotic pasta, chunky red pesto dip, sourdough bread, french truffles, salad dressings, organic chicken, the best ham in Dubbo (by a long mile), home made muffins, kaffir lime leaves, and the list goes on, and on!
If you visit, make sure you leave plenty of time for a chat to the friendly staff. It’s the brainchild of Peter Davis, a man as passionate about his food as he is about science, and let me tell you, Peter is passionate about his science!
It’s in Boundary Road opposite South Dubbo Tavern.
Peter also runs a coffee float at every Farmer’s markets.
Thanks for all your contributions and support over 2008.
In 2008 dubbo.org received 94,952 unique visits – that’s an average of 260 visitors a day. We had visitors from 155 different countries, 86% from Australia.
Zoo Grooves is a fun family day at the Zoo with lots of children’s activities and music acts. Fish Fry will be playing, the Hunter region’s most loved exponents of jump-jive jazz, swing, rhythm and blues.
Where: Savannah Lake, Western Plains Zoo, Obley Road
When: Sunday 30th Nov from 12:00 noon
Cost: Adults $18, Child $8, Family $45, all tickets include zoo admission
Proceeds support the zoo’s Cheetah breeding program.
I have designed a theme for joomla called ‘Wheat.’ It is inspired by Dubbo and the New South Wales wheat fields further out west. It has a warm rural feel to it.
I am modifying it to be a wordpress theme.
It’s homepage is here:
Jedda Boomerangs is now closed, this is the old article about it…
This is an interesting enterprise just outside of Dubbo. Entry is free.
they make boomerangs here.
It has a hands-on Kids playground and sandpit with lots of fun equipment.
Learn how to throw a boomerang or play a didgeridoo. Ring before you go to make sure someone is around, they are more oriented to manufacturing than tourism, and often not open. But worth a visit if you can find someone there. Ring before you go. (02) 6882 3110
It’s 4.3km on the Minore Road, (Minore Road is a right turn off the highway to Parkes, just before the golf course.)